BUS 310 STUDY Think Big /bus310study.com BUS 310 STUDY Think Big /bus310study.com | Page 9
BUS 310 Week 2 Quiz 2
1 ) The Fair Labor Standards Act legislates such issues
2) The Occupational Safety and Health Act
3 ) Titleist makes most of the golf clubs it sells to U.S. buyers in China,
where the average hourly wage is the equivalent of less than $1 per
hour. Under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, Titleist
4 ) The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 was passed to
5 ) Which of the following would probably NOT be covered by the
Americans with Disabilities Act?
6 ) Executive Order 11478 requires that federal contractors receiving
more than ____ must have affirmative action plans.
7 )The basic premise of OSHA is that each employer must provide a
workplace that is safe for employees, which is known as the
8 ) Which labor law was passed to regulate union actions and internal
affairs related to employee representation, shifting some power away
from unions?