BUS 310 STUDY Think Big /bus310study.com BUS 310 STUDY Think Big /bus310study.com | Page 5
Week 2
Based on your experience and Chapter 2 in your textbook, select the
compliance issue that you believe is the most challenging for an
average HR department. Provide a rationale for your response. Then,
respond to at least one (1) of your classmates who chose a different
challenge and try and persuade them to your way of thinking.
Week 3
Watch the video titled “Fruit Guys ─ Strategy,” located in Week 3 of
your Blackboard course. Identify two or three (2-3) businesses that
could use the five (5) questions the Fruit Guys used to determine
effectiveness. Provide a rationale for your answer. Pick an
organization with which you have familiarity. Then do a competitive
environmental scan for that organization. Assess how the competitive
environment for the company you researched affects the HR function
for the organization. Determine which strategy would be best suited to
address the effects discussed.
Week 4
Top of Form
Why is it important to look at both the manager and the employee
point of view when engaging in human resource planning, and how
can this information be used as a source of strategy?
Bottom of Form
Week 5
Watch the video titled “Scripps,” located in Week 5 of your
Blackboard course. From the video, isolate one (1) of the many aspects
of the Scripps recruitment and interview process that could be most