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BUS 310 Week 5 Assignment 2 New Hires (2
This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
Assignment 2: New Hires
Due Week 5 and worth 125 points
Imagine you are the HR manager at a company. You need to hire
three (3) new people. One employee will work at the front desk as a
customer service assistant, and the other two (2) will work on the
production line. Give at least five (5) places you would recruit for each
position and explain why each place would be a viable option.
Write a one (1) page paper in which you:
1. Select at least five (5) places you would recruit for a customer
service assistant and at least five (5) places you would recruit for
production line workers.
2. Explain why each place you selected would be a viable option for
recruiting employees.
3. Format your assignment according to the following formatting