BUS 310 STUDY Think Big /bus310study.com BUS 310 STUDY Think Big /bus310study.com | Page 14

14 The organization's ____ is the basic reason for existence. 15 The principles and beliefs that shape what employees think about a company is called --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUS 310 Week 4 Quiz 4 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus310study.com BUS 310 Week 4 Quiz 4 1 When an individual seeks additional training and education to improve her or his ability to find work, this is called: 2 The third step in job analysis involves 3 When an organization attempts to forecast the supply of and demand for human resources, this is called 4 Anuj looks at a job analysis that reports scores on various items, organized into areas called "Information inputs," "Mental processes," "Relationships with other people," and so on. The scales tell how frequently those areas are used in the job, how important they