BUS 310 STUDY Think Big /bus310study.com BUS 310 STUDY Think Big /bus310study.com | Page 11

18 ) Locating a facility in a relatively underdeveloped area will impact all of the following human resource activities EXCEPT 19 ) What aspect of international business do NAFTA and the EU represent? 20 ) When a company hires host-country nationals to staff foreign locations in underdeveloped countries, it must often 21 ) Under which international strategy will several companies agree to cooperate for mutual benefit? 22 ) What is the term used when a company lets a foreign firm make and/or distribute its products in a local market? 23 ) Which of the following trends is NOT true of developed nations today (such as the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, and so on)? 24 )What is an advantage of direct investment in another country? 25 ) Under which two approaches to international business will the human resource function be LEAST affected? 26 ) No outplacement firms exist in several Middle Eastern countries because the religion of Islam specifies that individuals should not benefit financially from other people's misfortunes. This cultural factor pertains to what type of difference? 27 ) Which of the following is an accurate statement about labor unions outside the United States? 28 ) Which industrialized nation emerged as the only intact major power after World War II?