BUS 310 STUDY Great Stories Here/bus310study.com BUS 310 STUDY Great Stories Here/bus310study.com | Page 6
when there is a nursing shortage across the country. State how you
could apply this aspect at your current (or former) place of work.
Week 6
Discussion Please respond to the following: Choose whether you
believe a company should hire for diversity or the best qualified
individual. Explain your rationale. Determine how your current (or
future) place of work could benefit from a diverse workforce.
Week 7
Take a position on the following: A lousy performance appraisal
system or process is better than not giving employees any type of
performance appraisal. Support your position with evidence or
Week 8
With the increasing use of technology in the workplace, determine if
workplace security is getting easier or more difficult for
organizations to manage. Support your response with evidence or
Week 9
Determine whether ability or motivation is more important in
selecting the right person for the right job. Explain your rationale.
Week 10
Assess the challenges of managers providing accurate, timely, and
effective feedback to employees. Recommend how managers can
overcome any two (2) of the challenges you identified. Of the
concepts covered in the textbook chapter, determine which, if
implemented well, would have the greatest impact on an
organization. Provide a rationale with your response.