Burdge/Overby, Chemistry: Atoms First, 2e Ch14 | Page 17

586 CHAPTE R 14? Entropy and Free Energy bch_lb Thinking Outside the Box Thermodynamics and Living Systems Under normal physiological conditions, polypeptides spontaneously fold into unique three-dimensional structures called native proteins, which can perform various functions. Because the original chain can assume many possible configurations while the native protein can have only one specific arrangement, the folding process is accompanied by a decrease in entropy of the system. (Note that solvent molecules, water in this case, can also play a role in affecting the entropy change.) In accord with the second law of thermodynamics, any spontaneous process must result in an increase in the entropy of the universe. It follows, therefore, that there must be an increase in the entropy of the surroundings that outweighs the decrease in the entropy of the system. The intramolecular attractions between amino acid residues cause the folding of the polypeptide chain to be exothermic. The energy produced by the process spreads out, increasing molecular motion in the surroundings— thereby increasing the entropy of the surroundings. Unfolded Folded The Third Law of Thermodynamics Finally, we consider the third law of thermodynamics briefly in connection with the determination of standard entropy. We have related the entropy of a system to the number of possible arrangements of the system’s molecules. The larger the number of possible arrangements, the larger the entropy. Imagine a pure, perfect crystalline substance at absolute zero (0 K). Under these conditions, there is essentially no molecular motion and, because the molecules occupy fixed positions in the solid, there is only one way to arrange the molecules. From Equation 14.1, we write S = k ln W = k ln 1 = 0 According to the third law of thermodynamics, the entropy of a perfect crystalline substance is zero at absolute zero. As temperature increases, molecular motion increases, causing an increase in the number of possible arrangements of the molecules and in the number of accessible energy states, among which the system’s energy can be dispersed. (See Figure 14.4.) This results in an increase in the system’s entropy. Thus, the entropy of any substance at any temperature above 0 K is greater than zero. If the crystalline substance is impure or imperfect in any way, then its entropy is greater than zero even at 0 K because without perfect crystalline order, there is more than one possible arrangement of molecules. The significance of the third law of thermodynamics is that it enables us to determine experimentally the absolute entropies of substances. Starting with the knowledge that the entropy of a pure crystalline substance is zero at 0 K, we can measure the increase in entropy of the substance as it is heated. The change in entropy of a substance, ?S, is the difference between the final and initial entropy values: ?S = Sfinal ? Sinitial where Sinitial is zero if the substance starts at 0 K. Therefore, the measured change in entropy is equal to the absolute entropy of the substance at the final temperature. ?S = Sfinal bur11184_ch14_570-603.indd 586 9/10/13 12:01 PM