Burdekin Community Action Plan Project Prospectus | Page 9



Key Activities : Project Lead :
• Integrated weed management , including mechanical , biological , and chemical control methods to reduce weed and problematic native plant infestations .
• Planting and maintaining a minimum of 1000 native trees along the edge of the lagoon .
• Installing an interpretative footpath , including informational signage for the enjoyment and education of the general public
• Community water quality and habitat condition monitoring .
Lower Burdekin Landcare Association Telephone : 0487 346 999
Email : Secretary @ LowerBurdekinLandcare . org . au
Website : LowerBurdekinLandcare . org . au
Project Outcomes :
• Collective action undertaken by multiple stakeholders to achieve environmental outcomes at one site .
• Community participation in monitoring and on-ground activities .
• Increased capacity of a local Landcare group .
• Revegetation of the riparian zone of a waterway connected to the Great Barrier Reef .
Long-term Outcomes :
• Increased habitat for native species , both terrestrial and aquatic .
• Riparian vegetation provides refugia for aquatic life in extreme heat .
• Improved water quality in Upper Lilliesmere Creek through riparian planting .
• Reduced nutrients and sediment reaching the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park area .
Indicative Budget :
• $ 15,000 to implement the first year , with over $ 18,000 in-kind support , plus $ 2,000 in ongoing costs per additional year
Implementation Partners :
Lower Burdekin Landcare Association members and volunteers , local landholders , Burdekin Shire Council , Lower Burdekin Water , Burdekin Bowen Integrated Floodplain Management Advisory Committee , Burdekin Education Engagement Program , local schools , Ventia Pty Ltd , NQ Dry Tropics and local Traditional Owners .