Burdekin Community Action Plan Project Prospectus | Página 5


e Upstart in Abbot Bay

Project Lead Whitsunday Catchment Landcare Telephone : 0483 811 229 Email : coordinator @ whitsundaylandcare . org . au Website : whitsundaylandcare . org . au
Key Activities :
• Community surveys ( turtle nesting and feral predators ).
• Train community members to survey for turtle nesting , and input data into a database to share with regulators .
• Build and install nest protection devices .
• Implement feral pig control through bait trapping .
• Measure the reduced impact of feral animals on turtle nesting at Cape Upstart .
Project Outcomes :
• Increased sea turtle nesting success at Cape Upstart Beach and Abbot Bay .
• Community participation in monitoring and onground activities .
• Reduced impact of feral predator population at Cape Upstart .
Long-term Outcomes :
• Increase in marine turtle population at Abbot Bay .
• Co-benefits to the terrestrial ecology of Cape Upstart ( including endangered beach scrub ) from controlling feral animal populations .
• Community stewardship for endangered species .
Indicative budget
• $ 72,000 annually , with $ 19,000 worth of in-kind support
Implementation partners :
Whitsunday Catchment Landcare , Cape Upstart Station , Department of Environment and Science — Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service , Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation , Great Barrier Reef Park Marine Authority , and World Wildlife Foundation .