Bumps, Babes, and Beyond Winter 2018/19 | Page 10


Bridging the Generations

We have started a new partnership with Chestnut Court in Stanwell. This extra care home provides accommodation and assisted living for residents and non-residents, aiming to help them maintain as much independence as possible.

We have set up a monthly playgroup session at the home for children 5 years and under, where parents and children can participate alongside residents in crafts and games.

Research has shown that adults who experienced close intergenerational interaction are less prone to depression and have better physical health, as well as being happier with their present life and more hopeful for the future.

We believe that the children will also benefit from mixing with adults of different ages and participating in the fun crafts and singing we will have there.

We had our first playgroup session at the end of November and it was a big success.

Feedback from Sheila Osborn, Activities Manager:

“It was brilliant, and the tenants thoroughly enjoyed it, so much so they slept for the following hour to recoup before their afternoon activities”.

The playgroup is limited to just 10 children per session, if you’d like to be kept updated about future sessions please join our mailing list by completing this form: http://eepurl.com/dN45SE