Bumps, Babes, and Beyond Winter 2017/18 | Page 14

Birth Story:


I was pretty intimidated by the idea of birth before I had my daughter in February 2014. My exposure to pregnancy and labour had been limited to films and "one born every minute" where you generally just see people in pain, shouting! Also I had heard a lot from other Mums (and never anything good). In fact, the only two positive stories I heard, were from colleagues who both told me they'd used Hypnobirthing. I'd never heard of it before then and thought it sounded a little hippy-ish.

But their stories made a

big impact and because

of them and due to my

concerns, I opted to do a

Hypnobirthing course

alongside NCT classes.

Without a doubt I feel it

was this preparation,

which gave me the birth I

ended up having. I had a

natural birth & it was the

most incredible - and

crazy - experience. My

contractions came out of

nowhere. It was like going

from a standing start to

300 miles an hour within

minutes! It was unexpected

and without the preparation I definitely would have felt out of control and probably opted for lots of intervention.

Everyone told me, that first babies are always late and labour takes forever. She was born 8 days early and my labour was 6 hours from start to finish! On the morning of the day she was born, I had a feeling that she was going to arrive. My husband thought it was wishful thinking! But as I got out of bed at 7.30am, my waters broke. I'd heard that waters very rarely break first, so I was a bit surprised. In fact my husband actually suggested I might have wet myself, which wasn't appreciated... I'd no contractions or other signs, so I called St Peters & they said to wait an hour and ring back. I'd just about had time to eat something (which didn't stay down long!) when I started getting strong contractions at 8.30am, about 3 to 4 minutes apart. It was quite a surprise as I was expecting contractions to build up gradually like they teach you, especially as it was my first baby, but they were really intense from the first moment. I used the visualisations and breathing techniques I'd been practicing from that point until the

moment the baby

appeared. I used a

TENs machine as well

and also put some

hypnobirthing tracks on

my iPod, specifically

designed to accompany

labour, which I found

fantastic for staying

calm and focussed. I

rang the hospital again

to advise them I was

contracting every 2-3

mins for up to 90 secs

and was politely told I

"didn't sound too bad"

and was still "very early"

so was told to wait at least another hour before coming in. Apparently it's common for Hypnobirthing mothers to be underestimated in terms of their progression. I had a feeling it was time to go to hospital, but we anyway had to wait for a different reason - we were awaiting a plumber! We'd had no central heating for five days & they were booked to finally install our new boiler that day! On top of that, all the roads around Staines were closed that day due to the significant flooding that year, so we had to find a new route to the hospital! Not the most relaxed situation...