Bumps, Babes, and Beyond Summer 2016 | Page 15


The midwife and my husband whisked me upstairs in a wheelchair with the portable gas and air in my hand. I was examined by a doctor and the reason I was in such pain was because baby had got in a back to back position. Because of this I was offered a epidural which I took.

After this was done, I was told the best position for pushing out a baby in the back to back position was on all fours, so they turned me over and got me to start pushing.

I was pushing for about an hour and although baby had moved down, it still wasn't quite there. That was when the doctors decided I needed a little help as they were starting to worry about baby's heart rate. So they turned me back over and as I carried on pushing they attached the ventouse to baby's head. As I pushed, the doctor pulled and out she came! It was such a relief she was finally here, safe and sound and that it was a girl!

Betsy Grace Nethercott was born at 12:34pm on the 13th June and weighted 7lb 13 ounces.

It's so lovely having a boy and a girl and Alfie certainly loves his little sister lots. I hope this continues as they get older!?!