Bullying Poems 1 | Page 3

Table of Contents

"See Those People" by Marcus Jones...........................................Page 1

"Words Can Hurt" by Andy Pokorski.............................................Page 2

"How It Starts" by Courtney Dillard.............................................Page 3

"Sadness To One" by Carmina Ridley...........................................Page 4

"Bullied to Death" by Kimberly Venegas......................................Page 5

"It Starts and Ends Painfully" by Anonymous...............................Page 6

"Stop the Bullying" by Markez Harvey.......................................Page 7

"Feeling Bullied" by Andres Arellano..........................................Page 8

"Lost in the Dark" by Stephanie Garcia........................................Page 9

"Hidden in the Crowd" by Anonymous.......................................Page 10

"Put on their Shoes and Walk with Them" by Jeremy Heyes.......Page 11

"What Might Happen" by Anonymous........................................Page 12

"I Stand Alone" by Marcus Jones.................................................Page 13

"The Right Choice and the Wrong One" by Jeremy Heyes...........Page 14

"Why" by Rachel Wood...............................................................Page 15

Lakeside Gallery by Lakeside students................................Pages 16-23