Bullying Bullying | Page 25

This Actually Happens

By: Peyton White

"I don't know who you think you are

You effect me more than you might think you do

I'm hurt because of you

I don't want to be here because of you"

I sit down, tears running down my face with my thoughts saying things to harsh to say aloud

I sit and think, maybe that the world is better off without me


With my right hand I reach

With my left hand if reach again

In front of me beholds a pen and paper

One drip, two drip, three,

The papers now wet

I write a note to my family reading "I love you and I will miss you"...

I turn and get up

Walk into my parents closet

Seeing the box that carries something that will tell my future

I go to the box and open it

Grasp the thing in my hand, stand up

"I have to it's best for them, It will make them happy"

