Bullying Bullying | Page 12



Interview with people who have been bullied

What does bullying mean to you?

Person 1- People who make fun of others because their jealous or because they see a flaw in themselves

Person 2- I think of like a victim of it and the mental health issues they receive like depression, anxiety, or like relationship issues . And with severe bullying I think of suicidal thoughts or suicide by the victim.

What grade(s) were you bullied in?

Person 1- Um, I guess K-8 but I don't remember when I was younger, but I remember it was most of my life

Person 2- Elementary School

What did the bullies do to you?

Person 1- Make fun of me and make me feel bad about myself. And make me feel like I had no one in life and when I did have friends they never accepted it and question why i have friends because they always told me that I never deserved them.

Person 2- I really don't want to go into detail of what they said, but a lot of verbal abuse

How did that affect you?

Person 1- Made me feel bad about myself thinking I had no one and never will. And heading into high school I still thought I will never have anyone and no one will like me. Not just me thinking I will never have friends but I never accepted myself for who I am.

Person 2- Most of it was just making me more insecure about things and kinda lowering my confidence so that’s kinda part of why I’m scared of talking to new people. Kinda started some mental issues later on.

Did you ever tell anyone, and why?

Person 1- No, I have not and if I did it was either NAME or NAME because I trusted them to know what was bothering me. And I don't normally tell anyone these things because I don't want them to think the same things.

Person 2- Not really I just don't like feeling people’s pity and after a little I guess I started feeling better so I didn’t think it was necessary. I have talked about some of my mental health problems realllllly vaguely but never went went into detail