BullShooter Magazine Volume Forty One | Number 6: June 2024 | Page 17

Team USA Defends the TITLE !

This year we had four teams competing in the International Team Challenge on Sunday morning : Team Canada , Team Denmark , Team Spain and Team USA . Each team marched into the tournament room waving their country flags to the beat of their National Anthems . Pictures were taken and medallions were given out to each member and Team USA threw out Red , White , & Blue stress balls to the audience . The Team Challenge started with a round-robin format . After a play-off for the championship match , Team Canada and Team USA began a four out of seven match in the Bull Pen . Team Canada captured the first game with David winning with a 33.40 PPD . Team USA then shot really well taking out the last four games . Alex won the second and third games with a 41.75 PPD and Bob McCoy won the third and fourth games claiming the victory for Team USA !
Congratulations to Team USA on their win and excellent dart playing ! Team Spain and Team Denmark tied for third place .
Team USA 1st Place Champions - International Team Event
Alex Spellman , Kevin Luke , Mike Porterfield & Robert McCoy
Team CANADA 2nd Place - International Team Event
David Cameron , Matt Campbell , Jayson Barlow & Justin Fawcett
Team SPAIN 3rd / 4th Place - International Team Event
Javier Moreno , Milagros Martines Olcina , Raul Encinas & David Ruiz Bautista
Team DENMARK 3rd / 4th Place - International Team Event
Annemarie Plougheld , Geni Niedosik , Lars Ommestrup , Lisa Jensen & Morten Nymann
SUMMER - JUNE 2024 17