BullShooter Magazine May 2019 Number 5 Volume 36 | Page 19

good amateurs are popping up all over the place. Pacer: Well, let’s list your suc- cesses at the Regional. You had a 1st in the Mixed Triples with Ken Swanson and Debra Ivey, a 1st in the Mixed Doubles Cricket with Debra, and 4th in the Pro Men’s Doubles 501 and the Pro/Am Cricket with Ken. Last but not least, you had a very impressive 4th in the Pro Cricket Singles, an event that was loaded with great shoot- ers. Derek: Tom, when I think about where I am competitive-wise right now, it really seems surreal to me. I’ll tell you one thing I am not a pretty player to watch. Honestly, I have an ugly stroke. Pacer: (Both Laughing) So you don’t think people will copy your style of play? Derek: Oh no, not at all. I really have some terrible mechanics. It’s kind of like, I just choose a target and shoot at it and it seems to work, but I wouldn’t recommend my style to anyone. Pacer: Well the old saying is, “ if it ain’t broken don’t fix it” and I would say you have found out what works for you and my advice would be to ride that horse as long as it’s run- ning good. Derek: I’m really happy with my progress, but I have seen videos of myself in competition and I think to myself how in the hell am I hit- ting my target? Pacer: Tell us about the experiences you’ve had at the BullShooter Challenge of Champions in Chicago. Derek: Well Tom, like I told you right now the two most important things for me is family and financ- es, so I’m not traveling as much as I would like, but Chelsea is more than understanding about darts. She knows what the game means to me, and encourages me to play. In fact a few years ago, I won a tournament in Pennsylvania and had my trophy picture taken with her and Parker when he was three months old. I’ve been able to go to Chicago three times and this is the way I explain the results. The first tournament, I was there to strickly donate and I did a good job. The next time I went it was more of a break even situation and that was a little better. Then last year at BullShooter 33, I actually came a little bit ahead, got to experience the Bullpen, and had an abso- lutely great time! I’m hoping John Foreman will be able to make it to Chicago this year and partner up with me. Also, I would like to mention that I am a member of Team Extreme Darts based in Virginia. They are all about helping players and supporting the game of darts. I’m proud to be associ- ated with them. Pacer: Derek Priest is a prime example of how dart players across the country and around the world juggle everyday life, and still find time to be a part of the giant dart fam- ily. Looking forward Derek told me, “As the kids get older and get involved with school, and other things I will have more time to practice and compete and we’ll see where it takes me. Hopefully someday Parker and Jesse will be some of my competition. Parker already has his little set of darts and loves to throw at the board. It would be real- ly great if that comes to pass.” Then his focus would be family, finances, and darts. Pacer BullShooter.com 19