BullShooter Magazine July 2015 Number 7 Volume 32 | Page 17
Darin Young jokingly said, “Let’s
combine all the Pro and Pro AA
money and shoot for it right now.”
I was like bring it on, let’s do it.
Pacer: I’ll tell you, I admire
you’re competitive spirit.
traveling like you do in the winter
is pretty courageous (both laughing).
Joel: Oh man, sometimes it can
be pretty tough, but it’s worth it.
Pacer: Okay Joel, just how did
you get involved with darts? How
did you start the journey towards
the Bullpen?
Joe: Well, when I was a teenager, my older brother, Gonzolo,
and I played a little at home. Once
I got old enough to go into the
bars, we used to fool around on
the dart board, after our softball
league. My brother always made it
a point to beat me by 200 points in
Cricket. Finally, I just kind of said
to myself, I’ve got to get better at
this game! Especially in the last
three years, I have dedicated myself to become a better player. I’ve
improved, but I’m not there yet. I
can get better.
Pacer: All of the hard work
and all of those miles behind the
wheel helped you get to the Pro
Doubles championship match at
BullShooter 30. Tell us about that
Joel: We went five games in the
final of the winner’s bracket with
the guys from Wisconsin, Jason
Hill and Michael Tritt, so we kind
of expected them to get back to
the championship match. It was
really exciting, but I felt like the
pressure was all on them to beat
us twice. Even after they won the
fifth game of the first leg to tie us,
I was confident.
Pacer: I know your partner K.C. felt the same way.
When they won that fifth
game, he just said, “Well,
let’s do it again.”
Joel: That’s K.C. We
played well together at the
Stupid Juice and decided to
play the BullShooter, and
I’m glad we did. We played
good together. One game
I froze him and the next
game I shot perfect darts.
We picked each other up.
Joel and K.C. Jones won Pro 501 Doubles at the
Pacer: Well, you certainly
BullShooter 30 Championship.
picked each other up in the
final leg. You pretty much gave
them a spanking and won three
I’m pumped up about the future.
straight games.
I have to thank my wife for having
Joel: Yeah, we got it togeth- faith in me and faith in Red Eye
er and won us a championship. Rhino. Also, for allowing me to
Winning in the Bullpen in front of put so much time and energy into
the crowd and the cameras against darts. Believe me, it wouldn’t be
great competition was wonderful. possible without her.
The third game I told my partner
Pacer: This guy is truly pumped
and a friend of mine in the stands, up about the game of darts and it’s
“We’ve got this. I’m not missing future. One thing that inspires
another dart.”
him is something his young son
Pacer: Well, as I recall, you told his wife. He said, “Mom, I
didn’t miss a dart. You took home want to be like my Dad and win
a championship. Okay, you’re a trophies.” Now Joel has won a
“World Champion” where do you “World Championship” t ɽ