In March our daughter Audrey was in a terrible auto accident . We got a call about 4 p . m . that she had been involved in an accident but that was the only information available . It was about 2 hours later before we found out any further news about what had happened . You talk about an eternity before the phone rang . It was the most terrifying feeling not knowing if you had lost a child or how badly injured , they were . The Lord was watching over them as all survived . There was extensive injuries suffered by all involved . Audrey had her right femur severely fractured and fractured ribs . She underwent surgery and had a steel rod put in her leg . I wish to thank all of you who called , texted and messaged your thoughts and prayers for Audrey . BLESS YOU ALL !
An opportunity to lease some hay ground presented itself to us and we took it on . There was both dry hay land and irrigation under center pivots . One pivot was seeded to alfalfa and the other 2 we seeded to summer annuals . One pivot went into millet and the other into Teff hay . This extra ground helped us put up enough hay so that we shouldn ’ t have to purchase additional hay to get through the coming winter and spring . I wish to express a huge thank you to Harry and Phyllis Jackson for leasing the ground to us and for helping as much as they did . Without their help we wouldn ’ t have had nearly as successful a summer . Unfortunately , the summer did have one major snag in it as we had a tractor and baler catch fire and burn losing both . We were baling millet hay and had a large amount of hay wrapped around the front drive shalf that caught fire . We had the fire put out before there was any significant damage . A fuel line started leaking and then some embers fell from the burned hay that reignited the fire and from there it was all downhill . After the fire it went from bad to worse as the insurance company only paid 26 % of the appraised value of the equipment lost . Imagine that !