Bulletin of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (BAMOS) Bulletin Vol 36 No.1 March 2023 | Page 3

BAMOS March 2023


4 President ’ s report 6 News
ISSN 1035‐6576 Editor : Melissa Lyne Editor‐in‐Chief : Damien Irving Assistant Editors : Linden Ashcroft , Blair Trewin Design : Jeanette Dargaville Publisher : AMOS , GPO Box 1289 , Melbourne VIC 3001 , Australia Submission deadline for the next issue : 29 May 2023
Contact and submit pieces : bamos @ amos . org . au . Submission guidelines are available online and at the end of this issue .
Image : Bondi Icebergs . Source : Melissa Lyne Cover image : Sea fog over Tamarama NSW , March 2023 , Melissa Lyne .
Welcome to the first issue of BAMOS for 2023 .

Melissa Lyne

10 AMOS 2022 13 Equity in AMOS awards 16 La Niña ( s ) end 17 State of weather & climate extremes 2022 18 The Harold Holt tragedy
It ' s been a long while since the last issue of BAMOS . And , as with any great length of time , much has happened — including the start of a new year .
20 ACCESS-NRI launch 21 Seasonal snaps 23 Charts of the past
We ' ve seen the back of a triple La Niña , whizzed through summer holidays , and , at the end of last year , we held an informative and social national conference . With much of the program focused on the current and future states of the weather , oceans and climate , it was a highlight , for me , to listen to the keynote on the last day . Delivered by Chloe Watfern from the Black Dog Institute , the theme was climate change and mental health . She spoke about her research in this area and touched on personal anecdotes from when she was pregnant , distressed and then found her way back to hope throughout the Black Summer bushfires .
Hopefully we will be working more with Chloe in the future , not only to consider our own mental health but to find new ways of delivering distressing information .
In the time since the last issue , we have sadly had to say goodbye to more of our fellow colleagues and friends . In the next issue , we hope to publish obituaries , highlighting their character as well as their valued contributions to our sciences .
In this issue , we take a closer look at the recent IPCC report , the State of Weather & Climate Extremes 2022 and learn more about the recently launched ACCESS-NRI . The seasonal snaps feature some phenomenal clouds as captured by Greg Holland , Dick Whitaker pens a facinating piece on the disappearance of Harold Holt , and Blair Trewin takes us back to the storms and floods of late-summer 1993 . Which doesn ' t seem that long ago . But it really was . 30 years ago .
Time is passing by fast , so I shall let you get on and read this issue of BAMOS . I hope you enjoy !
And , as always , please consider sending me an article or photograph for the next BAMOS . Or let me know what you ' d like to see more of .
You can send any contributions or suggestions through to bamos @ amos . org . au .
Happy reading !