Bulletin of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (BAMOS) Bulletin Vol 36 No.1 March 2023 | Page 16

BAMOS March 2023

BoM declares La Niña officially over

Anthony Sharwood , for Weatherzone . Read the original article .


The graphic shows how La Niña impacts Australian weather .
Photo source : Twitter , 15 March 2023 .
It ' s over . La Niña and the wetter-than-usual weather it typically brings to large parts of Australia is officially behind us .
The U . S . Climate Prediction Center ( CPC ) was the first to declare that the 2022 / 23 La Niña had ended , paving the way for a return of drier and warmer weather in Australia .
Australia ' s Bureau of Meteorology came to the party .
" La Niña has ended in the tropical Pacific Ocean . The El Niño – Southern Oscillation ( ENSO ) is now neutral ( neither La Niña nor El Niño ) with oceanic and atmospheric indicators having returned to neutral ENSO levels ," the BoM announced earlier this month .
The BoM went on to say that neutral conditions are expected to persist through autumn , however there are signs that El Niño could form later in the year .
Indeed the BoM has issued an El Niño Watch , which means a 50 % chance of an El Niño in 2023 .
El Niños typically bring drier , warmer weather than usual across Australia , and in the past have contributed to some of the country ' s worst droughts .
Read more on La Niña and how it impacts weather .