Bulletin Issue 6 2013 Bulletin Issue 6 2013 | Page 16

AITSL Super vising P r e s e r v i c e Te a c h e r s St Thomas Aquinas Primary School West Belconnen is a Lighthouse school promoting the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) online Supervising Preservice Teachers modules. On 7 August the school hosted a cross sectoral information session outlining the new online professional learning modules. Mr Kane Bradford from AITSL attended the session and was delighted to be part of the first national presentation promoting this exciting online learning tool. The program is an AITSL initiative, developed in partnership with the New South Wales Institute of Teachers, Queensland College of Educators and ACT Teacher Quality Institute, with modules designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of teachers who supervise preservice students during a professional placement. Staff members from St Thomas Aquinas, West Belconnen, Stephanie Noack, Rebecca Stevenson, Ben Kelly and Megan Barons together with their preservice teachers Tanya De Gier, Stephanie Cox and Teighan Kyle from ACU presented the four modules. The evidence-based and interactive modules support the professional learning of associate, preservice and early careers teachers. The modules focus on skills in: • Effective Partnerships • Practice Analysis • Making Judgements • Unpacking the Graduate Standards Supervising teachers can study any or all of the modules and can phase in and out of the modules as they choose. There are opportunities for supervising teachers to gather evidence for their own use towards registration renewal or for professional growth into the Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher career stages. Each module has been mapped to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers with certificates available for downloading at the completion of each module. The presentation showed how the modules improve quality teaching and learning, help build capacity within schools and develop communities of practice. We are all working towards the same goal, ensuring that our future preservice teachers have a successful placement. If you would like any more information about the modules we encourage you to have a look at the website or contact us on 6258 4077. http://www.learn.aitsl.edu.au/professional-learningprograms/supervising-preservice-teachers Stephanie Noack, Rebecca Stevenson, Ben Kelly and Megan Barons