have a niche area for their UNESCO club, to which he replied it was not compulsory but helpful to prevent conflict of theme of activities between other universities.
After the dialogue session was the presentation of projects by all Universities’ UNESCO Clubs. Due to time constraints, only three universities managed to present on the night, which was UniSZA, UKM and USIM. These universities presented their past activities to the delegates which encompassed a variety of areas such as fundraising and business competitions.
The second day began with the UNESCO Club Presidents’ Meeting at the Sultanah Nur Zahirah Library. Only two representatives from each university were required for the meeting. The meeting was to discuss the agendas of all the UNESCO Clubs. There were nine agendas which were discussed;
Agenda 1: Formulating the Governance and Strengthening the Governance
Agenda 2: Synergization of Cluster and Niche Area of Public Universities’ UNESCO Club
Agenda 3: Formulation of the Zoning System
Agenda 4: Formation of Malaysian National UNESCO Student Leaders Secretariat Council
Agenda 5: Public Universities’ UNESCO Strategic Planning
Agenda 6: National UNESCO Clubs’ Strategic Plan (2018-2022)
Agenda 7: Selection of Focal Point for UNESCO Clubs
Agenda 8: Formation of UNESCO – United National Model
Agenda 9: Way Forward
The presidents of each universities’ UNESCO Clubs discussed and debated on the agenda. However, due to time constraints, only 3 agendas were discussed.
As for delegates that were not involved in the Presidents’ Meeting participated in Pra-Bengkel Pengurusan Governans UNESCO Universiti Awam Kali Pertama. Those from the Presidents meeting joined the workshop at
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The delegates also participated in Bengkel Pengurusan Governan UNESCO Universiti Awam in which every university UNESCO Club members presented their best projects or projects that they intend to carry out in the future. Each university then continued to discuss on their organisation chart and niche area as to standardise the governance between the UNESCO Clubs among the public universities.
After all the hard work and brainstorming session, the delegates were taken to the must-visit cultural and heritage sites in Kuala Terengganu. The delegates visited the Crystal Mosque, Pasar Payang, and China Town. Each team were guided by a UMT Liaison Officer who acts as tour guide for the delegates. They also visited some institutions in UMT such as the Museum of the Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS), School of Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences (FISHA) and School of Ocean Engineering (PPKK) where they were exposed to areas related to marine studies and were demonstrated on how to use the emergency equipment such as distress flares and powder, used when being stranded at the sea. The delegates were also given the opportunity to step inside the ship simulator where they get to see what it takes to sail a ship.
The symposium ended with a closing ceremony officiated by Prof. Madya Dr. Che Mohd Ruzaidi Bin Ghazali, the Deputy Vice Chancellor (HEPA) of University Malaysia Terengganu and En. Zainudin Bin Mamat, Head of Administration HEPA. During the Closing Ceremony, all President from each UNESCO Club signed a resolution of the SSPUUA as a sign of agreement. Following the symposium, the delegates came back home with a better understanding and increased awareness of UNESCO Malaysia’s aims and objectives.
UNESCO Club leaders in front of the Crystal Mosque
(Credit: Instagram @umtuc_)
Mr. Tan Chun Rong, Head of Public Relations and Repertoire during the visit
to Kuala Terengganu
UNESCO Club leaders all ready to soar upwards