Bulletin April 2, 2017 Bulletin | Page 2

April 1 & 2 , 2017
ACCESS Pregnancy and Referral Center , a program of Catholic Charities , provides help to abortionvulnerable women experiencing unplanned pregnancies . Please return the Baby Bottles to church this weekend , April 1 / 2 . All money collected goes directly to ACCESS .
Live Stations of The Cross
April 2 nd after 6:00 p . m . Mass .
April 14 th Good Friday , after 6:00 p . m . Mass .
Come and see the teens of the parish lead us in a reflection on the passion and death of Christ . There will also be special music led by Fr . Kyle .
Stations of the Cross
Each Friday , during Lent , @ 7:00 p . m ., in the Church .
_ Sacrament of
Reconciliation from 6:30 — 7:00 p . m .
Fifth Sunday of Lent 2 April 2017
Prayers Requested for Father Paul Miranne , O . S . B . Father Justin Brown , O . S . B ., Abbot of St . Joseph Abbey at St . Benedict , called this past week to notify us that Father Paul is entering hospice care . This year , Fr . Paul is celebrating seventy years of priesthood and the seventy-fifth anniversary of his solemn profession as a Benedictine Monk . Father Justin related that Fr . Paul , fully at peace and keenly aware of his deteriorating condition , requests that no special intervention be taken on his behalf . He merely asks for our prayers , commending him to God , whom he has served so well .
Selling Tickets in Support of the Mayfair
This weekend , April 1 / 2 , and April 22 / 23 , we will be selling tickets after the Masses in support of our MayFair . A special collection on behalf of the MayFair will not be taken up this year . The Mayfair , SPN Goes Wild , will be on Friday and Saturday , May 5 th & 6 th . The entire proceeds of the Mayfair benefit our parish and are part of our operating budget .
Parish Lenten Mission Discipleship : Called as Disciples , How do we Embrace that Challenge ? St . Philip Neri Catholic Church invites you to a Parish Mission , Monday-Wednesday , April 3-5 at 7:00 p . m . each evening . The presenter is Fr . Vincent Fortunato , OFMCap
DISCIPLESHIP – Called as disciples , how do we embrace that challenge ?
Cost of discipleship – What is the cost to be a disciple ? Prayer – How prayer puts us in touch with the call . Our Weakness – Out of our weakness we are strong .
Fr . Vincent Fortunato O . F . M . Cap . is a priest with the Capuchin Franciscan Friars . He served his community for 20 years in Formation Ministry and as Provincial Minister for 6 years . He has an M . Div . degree from Darlington Seminary and a MA degree in Spirituality from Creighton University . He has certifications in Spiritual Direction and Directed Retreats . He is a presenter of spiritual direction for groups and training programs . He also is a preacher for parish missions and retreats .
REQUEST FOR PALMS Next weekend being Palm Sunday , we would like to ask those who have palms , to provide them for our Palm Sunday Liturgies . Because palms wither quickly , please bring them to the church on Thursday , April 6 th , and place them outside the Porte-Cochère entrance . Palms should be of reasonable length and it would be greatly appreciated if you would also wash them beforehand . Persons are needed on Friday morning , April 7 th at 10:00 a . m . to help in paring the palms and getting them ready for distribution on Palm Sunday .
Grandparents Club
The Grandparents Club will meet on Thursday , April 6 th , at 9:30 a . m . in the Parishioners ’ Center ( M1 & 2 ). Our guest will be Kenner Councilman Dominick Impastato III . Councilman Impastato will speak about activities in the Kenner area and be available for questions .
We will be discussing our Bake Sale on Wednesday , April 26 th , and the May Fair .
We will have a raffle for a beautiful Easter wreath . The proceeds from this raffle will go toward our year long collection for the Jefferson Parish Sheriff ’ s Office . We will have food and refreshments , door prizes , and 50 / 50 drawing . Join us for an informative morning .
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION DURING LENT Saturdays , 2:30-3:30 p . m . Wednesday , April 5 @ 5:00-6:30 p . m . Wednesday , April 12 @ 9:30-10:30 a . m . Good Friday , April 14 @ 1:30-2:30 p . m .; 4:30-5:30 p . m . Holy Saturday , April 15 @ 12:00 Noon-1:00 p . m .; 2:30-3:30 p . m .
Requests for Easter Flower Memorials must be received at the Church Office no later than Friday , April 7 , 2017 . In Memory of your loved ones , Flower Memorial requests may be sealed in an envelope including your donation , and placed in the collection basket at any Mass , dropped off at the Church Office in the Parishioners ’ Center , or , you may mail to the Church Office . ( Please print clearly : Who , the Memorial is for , and if you wish , Whom , the Memorial is from ). Also , please include your name and phone number . The Flower Memorials will be published in the Easter Sunday Bulletin , April 16 , 2017
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