Bulletin 2017-2018 BUI 2017-2018 | Page 118

IEP 563 Entrepreneurship in Tourism Industry ( 3 Credits )
An overview of Thailand Tourism Business , Trends of Thailand Tourism Business , Related Business , Trends in changing consumer behavior in this type of business in the future . Describes the tourism business model and the situation in Thailand ' s tourism business , the barriers and the promotion of this business , and the current pattern of action . Including the knowledge gained from the course can be used to predict future consumption behaviors . And can develop tourism business as a business in the tourism business in the future .
IEP 564 Entrepreneurship in Media Industry ( 3 Credits )
A study of the general knowledge about communication business , overview of the Thai communications business , trends of the Thai communications business , related businesses , trends in consumer behavior change in this type of business in the future , business communication model and situation of communication business in Thailand , the situation of the communication business in Thailand , the hurdles and the promotion of this business , and the current form of operation . Can develop the communications business to prepare them for future business communication .
IEP 565 Entrepreneurship in Food Industry ( 3 Credits )
A study of the general knowledge about food business , overview of the food business in Thailand , trend of the food business in Thailand , Related businesses , Trends in changing consumer behavior in this type of business in the future , Food business model and situation of food business in Thailand , the situation of the food business in Thailand , the hurdles and promotions in this business and the current
116 BANGKOK UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL operating model . Can develop food business to become entrepreneurs in the future business industry .
IEP 566 Entrepreneurship in Sport Industry ( 3 Credits )
A study of the general knowledge about sports business , overview of sports business in Thailand , trend of sports business in Thailand , trends in changing consumer behavior in this type of business in the future , sports business model and sport business situation in Thailand . Can describe the situation of the sports business in Thailand , the hurdles and promotions in this business and the current operating model . Can understand and develop the sports business to be entrepreneurs in the sports business industry in the future .
IEP 567 Fund Raising ( 3 Credits )
A study of the sources of funding . Understand the source of funds and types of funding sources . As well as the behavior of the capital source . Can understand the source of capital . Describe how to choose the right funding source and how to borrow money from a source of funding . And study the factors that affect the funding . Include business administration and visualization to succeed in accessing finance .
IEP 568 Innovation and Intrapreneurship ( 3 Credits )
Study and Understand Innovation , Understand Innovation Processes in Organizations , utilizing resources from outside the organization and within the organization to maximize the benefits , the concept of working ideas creativity . Can innovate in the organization . Understand the concept of working as a business owner , innovative , impactful , and benefits for their organizations and others .