Bulletin 2017-2018 BUI 2017-2018 | Page 149

HRI 382 Food Styling This course provides knowledge of food styling methods and techniques used in various cultures and the application of edible and inedible materials to garnish the food and decorate the dining table. Both theoretical and practical learning methods will be emphasized. HRI 383 Fusion Food This course combines theory and practice to teach about the uniqueness of foods from various cultures, with the aim of developing an understanding of how to combine foods from different cultures to become fusion food. HRI 385 Confectionery Art A study of confectionery including raw material, equipment and appliances for creating and designing confections. HRI 386 Hotel and Tourism in ASEAN The course enhances understanding of the hotel and tourism business operation in ASEAN, environmental factors and changes affecting the business successes, opportunities and obstacles encountered in the business in each country and business trends in this region. Business case studies are also included. HRI 387 Independent Studies in Hotel and Restaurant Industry The course emphasizes a thorough study of relevant topics or matters in the hotel and restaurant business. Students are able to study and conduct research at any overseas or local academic institutions. Individualized study is carried out under faculty supervision. HRI 388 The Art of Cake Decoration A study of cake decoration in contemporary style, raw material, equipment and appliances focusing on theory and practice. HRI 389 The Art of Food Photography A study of basic digital photography, instructions of camera and related equipm