Bull City Connector Holiday Guide 1. Nov 2014 | Page 2
Have some fun...
The Ice Factory, American Tobacco Campus
Open Nov. 20 through February 15th, $10 per person, skates included.
Location: In the Cage at the North End of ATC adjacent to Burt’s Bees
Hours: Wed-Thur 4-9pm, Friday 4-11pm, Saturday 11am-11pm, Sun 12-5 p.m.
Closed Mondays,Tuesdays & Christmas Day
Triangle Christmas Tree Challenge
Wednesday, Dec. 3, 11am
Watch as non-profit organizations start to decorate the trees lining the walkways
of Diamond View Park. The event starts with Wool E. Bull arriving at 11am to help
American Tobacco Tower Lighting
Friday, December 5, 6:00pm
Join the fun as the American Tobacco Campus lights up the Lucky Strike tower for
the 10th year, of ficially bringing the holiday season to the Bull City. There will be
music and merriment before voting begins at the Christmas Tree Challenge.