Bulk Distributor Sep/Oct 18 | Page 21

September/October 2018 B ULK D ISTRIBUTOR Logistics 21 ,LJƐƚĞƌŚŝŐŚůŝŐŚƚƐƌŝǀĞƌƚĞƌŵŝŶĂůƐŽůƵƟŽŶƐŽŶZŚŝŶĞƚŽƵƌ T he Hyster Rhine Tour, which showcased Hyster equipment and related solutions in real inland terminal applications along the River Rhine, concluded in August. The Rhine Tour welcomed hundreds of guests over four events in four countries, and illustrated how diverse the challenges and opportunities for inland terminals can be. As well as demonstrating a wide range of equipment for handling from ship to store, the events focused on a variety of custom options, accessories, attachments and services, including solutions from Hyster partners. “Inland terminals are all very different, so it’s vital not only to select the right materials handling equipment, but also the most suitable options beyond the trucks themselves,” said Mark Nailer, industry manager for Hyster Europe. “Many of the diverse options showcased at the events can be applied across various types of trucks in many different industries to help maximise effi ciency and maintain a low cost of operation.” Demonstrations at the Rhine Tour showed how cameras, such as those from partner Orlaco, can help optimise visibility on any kind of truck. Whether used on a reach stacker in a port, or a reach truck in a warehouse, cameras can support awareness, effi ciency and damage reduction – in turn minimising costs. Another option presented for increased awareness, included the Radar Eye active detection system, which uses an alarm to alert drivers to obstacles. “Pedestrian awareness lights can also assist the driver when cornering or travelling in busy environments,” explained Nailer. “Plus, the speed limit system we presented can help protect operators, and their colleagues, with an optional roof detector to manage different speeds indoors and outdoors.” Many terminals will have a requirement to handle fl ammable cargo, such as chemicals, beverages and waste. Operations handling these types of loads will usually include ‘Zone 2’ areas with potentially explosive atmospheres, as well as nearby ‘safe’ areas, where combustible gases and vapours may still pose a risk of ignition. Explosion protection conversions and solutions, such as those from Hyster partner Pyroban, are available to help manage explosion risk in any application. As the risk of vehicle fi res is also an important consideration, the tour also showed DAFO fi re suppression systems, which automatically and quickly extinguish vehicle fi res, helping reduce both the consequences of a fi re and the impact on investment. For applications, such as inland terminals, which may need to handle many different types of loads, the right choice of attachment is essential for effi ciency. The Rhine Tour demonstrated how attachments, including the Meyer Double Pallet Handler and Bolzoni Container Rotator, help Hyster lift trucks meet varied and changing needs. Hyster reach stackers also benefi t from a quick disconnect feature, making it easy to swap between handling containers and other types of loads. “At the Rhine Tour, we were keen to present a wide range of new solutions and innovations beyond materials handling equipment,” Nailer went on. “That’s why the events incorporated complementary equipment, such as Houcon ramps for simple container stuffi ng, and the Cakeboxx two-piece ‘deck and lid’ shipping container.” Reducing tyre wear is key for maintaining a low cost of ownership in gritty container and cargo handling environments, such as those handling construction materials. At the tour, Continental