Bulk Distributor Nov/Dec 18 | Page 10

10 B ULK D ISTRIBUTOR Asset Management November/December 2018 dŽƵĐŚƐƚĂƌĨƵĞůƐŐƌŽǁƚŚ ǁŝƚŚŶĞǁƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ M anchester, UK-based mobile computing provider Touchstar Technologies PLC has embarked on an aggressive growth strategy. Mark Hardy, CEO, explains that Touchstar has been an established provider of mobile computing solutions to the general logistics, oil & gas and bulk sectors for over three decades. “We’re renowned for the quality of our hardware and the ‘fitness- for-purpose’ of our software solutions and this has enabled us to maintain our market position against robust competition,” he says. The past 12 months has seen Touchstar’s R&D department successfully complete the development of a range of new products including high specification cloud-based logistics digitisation and optimisation software. This new suite of software products, combined with new Android mobile hardware, has broadened the commercial appeal and Touchstar is now actively marketing its solutions into a number of new vertical bulk logistics sectors and geographical markets. New products “TouchStar has been working within the bulk logistics sector for over 30 years and has a unique understanding of mobile computing requirements,” Hardy continues. “This experience has been used to equip our new EPOD system with a range of features to optimise modern bulk delivery process.” The system is comprised of a suite of fully integrated components. Front-end vehicle-based application software: Developed in conjunction with some bulk logistics industry giants, the front-end software facilitates a live connection between drivers, transport staff, accounts teams and customers. Sharing live data regarding vehicle position, on-board stock, delivery volumes and pricing, enables both better operational decision making and a reduction in administration. TouchStar’s middleware product provides the link between front-end vehicle-based applications and back office systems Middleware: Handling the interchange of information in an efficient and timely manner, TouchStar’s middleware product provides the link between front-end vehicle-based applications and back office systems. The cloud-based middleware environment integrates additional functionality from a number of sources, enhancing and consolidating all applications in one convenient location. Mobile computing hardware: Touchstar hardware solutions are device-agnostic enabling the client to select the best device for its individual business processes. The range of ‘form factors’ which Touchstar can offer is comprehensive and includes handheld and tablet devices. More specifically Touchstar solutions have the ability to interface with any current operating system from Windows, Android or iOS. Many of the company’s devices conform to ATEX specification, making them a natural choice for operation within hazardous bulk logistics environments. The most recent addition to the hardware range is the TS3200-A. Suitable even for the most rigorous use in extreme conditions, the TS3200-A provides full protection against dust, water and oil ingress and is fully compliant with the ATEX IECEx directive, allowing safe use even in potentially explosive environments. The TS3200-A also uses front and rear-facing cameras and a glare proof 7ins high- resolution screen, suitable for use with gloves. Slimmer, smarter and stronger than its predecessors, the TouchStar TS3200-A is leading a revolution in rugged tablet technology. Logistics optimisation software: The back-end system has been developed as a scalable electronic proof of delivery (EPOD) solution for any size of business from SMEs to major blue chip organisations. Whether the client has one vehicle or thousands, the system will ensure the optimisation of work scheduling, reduce fuel costs and improve customer service levels without adding extra complexity. www.touchstarpod.com The application of Aquaplot also includes dynamic factors such as wind and flow conditions in the calculation, enabling real-time monitoring ƉƉŵĂƌŬĞƚƉůĂĐĞ ĨŽƌŵĂƌŝƟŵĞ D armstadt, Germany based start-up Aquaplot is establishing a marketplace for third party applications for the maritime industry in the autumn. A first partnership with Vendola Solutions to develop new web- based solutions for vessel owners, charterers and brokers powered by Aquaplot’s platform, has been reached. Henning Grimm, CEO of Aquaplot, said the marketplace is a neutral platform for data and apps for the maritime sector. “For the first time, we will be integrating apps from a third-party in co- operation with Vendola Solutions in order to create a marketplace for specialised applications for various areas of the maritime industry. We combine our technical competence and infrastructure solutions, for example for routing and vessel tracking, with the market and domain knowledge of our partners from decades of practical experience,” he said. Grimm also emphasised the practicability of the Aquaplot marketplace: “The maritime industry needs a platform where users, data and applications meet to drive innovation and reduce the cost of bringing new solutions to market. We already have several thousand users, routing and AIS data on the platform and will continue working on adding more sources and services, for example, weather forecasts or vessel databases. The idea is to make all these parts interoperable so applications can use the available infrastructure without needing to reinvent the wheel for every app.” The aim of Aquaplot is to push ahead with digitisation in maritime shipping in order to improve transport and make it more efficient and safer. This is why the shipping start-up not only positions itself as an aggregator, but also invests in the development of components, such as route planning, which are required for all applications. The start-up uses nature-inspired artificial intelligence based on particle swarm optimisation and evolutionary algorithms. Together with integrated data feeds (weather, AIS), dynamic factors such as wind and flow conditions can also be included in the calculations. This not only allows real time monitoring, but simulations and various scenarios can also be run for realistic forecasts and order calculations. In addition to gain cost-benefit advantages, the aim is to increase safety in the shipping industry. This means that in future, meteorological developments can be taken into account when planning routes in real time. Aquaplot was founded in Karlsruhe in 2015 and develops web- based technologies for maritime route planning. The company also supports other innovators in this area with app components such as user interface modules and provides data and information services via a computer interface (API). www.aquaplot.com Monitor any asset in one system Are you using telematics devices and sensors from several suppliers? Frustrated from using different systems? Do you need more content and better tools? Not satisfied with your current solution? Fleetmonitor is the leading service platform for telematics-based asset monitoring in the rail and intermodal freight industry. You can easily benefit from the unique and powerful content, services and tools in the Fleetmonitor portal. 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