Bulk Distributor Mar/Apr 2021 | Page 8

8 BULKDISTRIBUTOR Asset Management March / April 2021
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8 BULKDISTRIBUTOR Asset Management March / April 2021

Rinnen relies on Savvy solution

Shipping liquid goods that have to be maintained at a certain temperature are a logistics challenge . To monitor temperature-controlled shipments , logistics companies use transport telematics . Sensors continuously measure the temperature of the cargo . If there is a critical deviation , drivers receive an alarm notification by radio and can respond accordingly . Bulk transport specialist Rinnen has now gained an even more precise overview of its liquid goods thanks to an innovative Savvy Telematic Systems solution . A family-owned company , Rinnen was established in 1943 in Duisburg , Germany . Since the 1970s , the company has been focused on the shipment of liquid bulk goods in tank containers , employing about 750 people and has a network of locations across Europe . Rinnen strives to optimise its services for its customers , which include global players in the chemical sector . This is why the company wanted a better solution for temperature control . Previously , it used sensors installed on the outside of its tanks . However , these measurements were imprecise because of transmission losses due to the casing . In particular , it was impossible to obtain exact measurement results for products whose temperature deviates only slightly from outside temperatures .

Measuring inside the tank
Each liquid has a temperature range that it must not fall below or exceed , for example from 18 to 40 degsC . Rinnen wants to provide the highest possible degree of shipment safety to its customers even for products with a narrow temperature range . So , Savvy has provided a solution that does exactly that . “ We have developed a device that measures the temperature inside the tank ,” explains Bernhard Weiland , key account manager for the Swiss telematics provider . “ A replaceable thermowell with a PT 1000 sensor is inserted into the tank from the top . The sensor is only separated from the liquid by the tube fitting , thereby providing exact measurements .” The sensor is connected to the Savvy Sense Gateway-ExR , an ATEXcertified telematics unit installed on the top of the container . The Gateway device communicates via radio with the CargoTrac base unit . The unit sends data to the Savvy Synergy Enterprise Portal , and this web-based platform enables the Rinnen fleet management team to maintain an overview of all transport variables such as current location , temperature , pressure , and container fill level at all times .
Realistic ETAs
Savvy also provides Rinnen with a seamless track & trace solution . This makes it possible to determine the estimated time of arrival ( ETA ). Up to now , ETA was calculated and displayed using a telematics system in its own vehicles . But the downside was that it was not possible to maintain an overview in the case of combined shipments . “ We were able to provide a realistic ETA for the initial and final legs by truck but not during the main leg via rail , inland waterway or sea ,” explains Oliver Brucks , head of vehicle fleet management at Rinnen . “ Savvy has enabled us to close this gap . Every 15 minutes , the Cargo-Trac units on the tank containers send out their GPS position to the Synergy Portal , which then calculates the current ETA . This way we can provide our customers with current data when they need to plan their delivery , regardless of whether the containers are located on our trucks or are being shipped with one of our freight partners .” In the chemical industry , ETA is a key variable . Just-in-time systems are used for a lot of production processes , which is why seamless supply chain co-ordination is essential .
Exact measurement values
In a mutual pilot project , Rinnen and Savvy are also working to determine fill levels even more reliably . To determine if a tank container is full or empty , the logistics company currently relies on on-site data . The ERP system assigns the status ‘ full ’ or ‘ empty ’ to a container when it passes through or arrives at certain geographical positions , such as a transhipment point , a border crossing or a final destination . For example , the status changes to ‘ empty ’ as soon as a tank container leaves the point of interest ( POI ) such as ‘ Factory Customer XY ’. However , imprecise information concerning fill levels cannot be

The FIRST Worldwide Logistics Alliance for Independent Bulk Liquid Logistics Operators with coverage in over 50 countries

Savvy ’ s web-based platform enables Rinnen to maintain an overview of all transport variables such as current location , temperature , pressure , and container fill level at all times
completely ruled out with this method because the rules cannot cover all possible POIs . An innovative solution would ensure a higher degree of precision . Instead of deriving the fill levels indirectly from the position data , sensors detect even the smallest deformations in the container reinforcement struts – a reliable indicator of the container ’ s fill level . In addition , other influencing factors are included that could otherwise distort the results if they are not considered . The two companies are developing an algorithm which generates a robust value under consideration of different factors in order to calculate fill levels reliably . With this method Rinnen wants to increase transport safety further . Thanks to the telematic data , the forwarding company has transport statuses constantly under control . If the data deviates from the target values , the software automatically sends alarm notifications to enable drivers and fleet managers to respond immediately . Drivers are connected per tablet with the Synergy Portal , while the managing clerks have access per web-browser on their desktop PC . The alarms can be configured so that designated persons receive email notifications and that others are notified when the first group of people cannot be reached .
“ Our customers need a comprehensive and precise overview of the status of their shipments at all times ,” says Oliver Brucks . “ We can now meet these expectations even better . Both with regard to temperature as well as ETA we have been able to improve precision and data accessibility significantly thanks to Savvy .” In this context , the Synergy Portal serves as a collaboration platform . With the aid of this tool , Rinnen can allow customers who so desire to gain direct access to the telematic data . They receive a common user access simply significantly log on to the portal . At one glance , they can see the current position of the shipments and the ETA on a map . Data concerning temperature , fill stand , etc , are also shown in real-time . “ The customers that already use the portal are delighted ,” says Brucks . “ They not only have the benefit of increased transport safety but also improved tracking & tracing . If customs clearance takes longer than usual and delivery is delayed , they know that immediately and can adjust their production plans accordingly . Thanks to the collaboration with Savvy , a competent and innovative partner , we have added true value for supply-chain-management .”
Transwaggon digitalises
Meanwhile , Savvy is continuing to help rail operator Transwaggon Group press ahead with its fleet digitalisation . Headquartered in Zug , Switzerland , Transwaggon is equipping its entire fleet of 13,500 freight wagons with Savvy devices . By taking this step , the rail operator is extending its co-operation with Savvy . During the next three years , another 7,000 CargoTrac ExR MI telematics units will be installed , so that the entire fleet is equipped

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Transwaggon is equipping its entire fleet of 13,500 freight wagons with Savvy devices