Bulk Distributor Mar/Apr 2021 | Page 16

• 3rd Silo Evac Tank added to the fleet
• Environmentally friendly design to minimise any product loss , cleaning process and reducing time at site
• Ability to transfer bulk to bag , or bag to bulk as required
• Safe disposal of waste products and materials where necessary
• Response units can be quickly deployed

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Silo Evacuation

• 3rd Silo Evac Tank added to the fleet

• Environmentally friendly design to minimise any product loss , cleaning process and reducing time at site

• Ability to transfer bulk to bag , or bag to bulk as required

• Safe disposal of waste products and materials where necessary

• Response units can be quickly deployed

Services Offered

✓ Contaminated Silo ✓ Damaged containers ✓ RTAs ✓ Drums ✓ Decant material into bulk bag and store

Contact us today

tankers @ wstransportation . com www . wstransportation . com