Bulk Distributor Mar/Apr 2021

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ULCVs – too large to call ?

giant container ship that blocked the Suez Canal for ( but ) it is important to recentre the discussion since bringing additional

A almost a week is raising more questions about the quantities of containers into maritime transport flows might not be integrity of global supply chains . the only solution ,” the ESC said in a statement . “ The containers have Since the start of COVID-19 pandemic , the potential frailty of supply to wait to be collected or released because of diminished frequencies chains has been brought into view , but the case of the Ever Given and port calls , a direct effect that ULCVs create to transport loops in takes the issue further , according the European Shippers Council combination with slow steaming .” ( ESC ).

The council says this tendency contradicts the most efficient use of The ESC is urging a reassessment of what it calls “ the maritime port capacity in Europe . Secondary ports are more frequently served industry ’ s obsession with size ”. only by short sea connections , as well as by other modes such as On 23 March , the 20,000 TEU Ever Given was passing through the barge and rail . This , it says , is not desirable given the impact on Suez Canal on its way to Rotterdam when it ran aground diagonally terminal capacity and hinterland connections . Moreover , the total after losing the ability to steer amid high winds and a dust storm . carbon footprint of supply chains could be negatively affected by the The ship had been running fifth in a northbound convoy , with 15 use of ULCVs because of the multiple transhipments needed . vessels behind it . Traffic in both directions was blocked for just over six “ Overall efficiency across European territories should prevail over sea days , leading to a queue of more than 200 vessels . transport efficiency ,” ESC said . The current situation requires more But beyond the short term logjam the ESC notes that container and longer transport movements by short sea shipping , truck , rail or shipping lines which are deploying ultra large container vessels barge . And with the low or zero carbon energy that the next ( ULCVs ) have considerably reduced the number of ports for direct call generation of ships could be using , the shipping lines ’ argument that services . As a consequence , the largest European ports are used even ULCVs offer a lower carbon footprint per container moved in the more intensively by an increasing share of the trade and have become maritime part of the chain would become “ irrelevant ”, ESC said . easily congested . At the same time , oversea services have been limited The council wants to open a discussion on this and other issues , or stopped in many secondary ports . even asking whether the size of ships entering European ports should “ At present , the attention is mainly devoted to container shortage be limited .

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DHL pilots 3-flexi system in Mexico

Global forwarding giant DHL is piloting a new bulk liquid service using three flexitanks in a single reefer container . DHL Reefertanks is a three-tank system developed in partnership with supplier Liquitank Solutions Inc , registered in British Columbia , Canada , to ship liquids like citrus juice that require temperature control while in transit . Currently the new system is being trialled in Mexico to transport any non-hazardous bulk liquid requiring temperature control to the United States , but can be used in any country that sees a need for this new product , DHL says . The logistics firm claims that compared with ISO tank containers , reefers carrying 55 gallon drums and 40ft flexitanks , the reefer tank system allows for a greater yield of products . Goetz Alebrand , head of ocean freight for DHL Global Forwarding , Americas , said : “ This new solution coupled with the newest innovations and technology at DHL provides our customers with a more cost-effective service , helps them save money and represents a safe , streamlined , and more environmentally friendly way of transporting their non-hazardous liquids .” The nature of the new three tank system leaves less residue , or heel . The yield achieved in the Reefertank during trial shipments from Mexico to Florida was 99.96 percent , DHL said , versus an average 97.5 percent yield in a tank container or a 40ft flexitank , equal to 157 gallons lower product loss . In addition , the system increases temperature visibility while in transit with the ability to hold juice at a constant temperature between -3degC and + 3degC , which DHL says virtually eliminates any possibility of juice spoiling or fermenting in transit , especially beneficial to organic juices . The system also uses less packaging in total which allows for 2,100 – 4,200 lbs more actual payload .

www . dhl . com www . scully . com