July/August 2020
Industrial Packaging
Packaging companies
focus on sustainability
In light of growing concerns about plastic waste and packaging in particular, Bulk
Distributor talked to Mauser Packaging Solutions’ vice president of sales Andreas Schubert
on how the company is looking to increase customers’ use of reconditioned packaging and
packaging that includes recycled content
In a recent McKinsey report, the growing
trend towards more stringent regulations
on packaging reuse in various parts of the
world was highlighted. In fact, 60 percent of
the commitments FMCGs/CPGs are making to
support sustainability involves recycling,
increasing recyclability up to 100 percent.
While this naturally focuses more on
consumer packaging, it is a trend that is
being increasingly seen in the industry.
Mauser Packaging Solutions promises
unparalleled packaging performance and
innovation, to ‘redefine sustainability for
customers’. Its product portfolio consists of new
packaging made from recycled content,
packaging made from virgin materials as well as
reconditioned, reused and recycled packaging.
The company, which since 2018 comprises
BWAY, Mauser Group, National Container Group
(NCG) and Industrial Container Services (ICS), has
already achieved significant results. In 2019 alone,
Mauser Packaging Solutions returned over 10
million reconditioned containers to the market,
helping their customers keep over 1.5 million
tonnes of greenhouse gases out of the
Good for business, good
for the planet
To promote a circular economy and close the
industrial packaging life cycle loop, the company
has built a global network of facilities where
packaging can be reconditioned or recycled and
made into high quality post-consumer resin (PCR).
Together, with a global collection system,
customers can effortlessly return empty, used
industrial packaging. By returning empty
packaging, the value is increased, and the life
cycle is extended. Most importantly, waste is
diverted from landfills, resources are saved, and
the impact on the environment is reduced.
Mauser Packaging Solutions uses in-house
generated PCR in its Infinity Series product line.
This product portfolio enables customers to
reduce their ecological footprint and adhere to
regulations in place that prescribe a certain use of
PCR-materials, with the EU-Ecolabel valid for
several branches.
In 2019 alone, Mauser returned over 10 million reconditioned
containers to the market
Andreas Schubert says: “Through our global
network of facilities and comprehensive product
portfolio, we have taken a pioneering role when it
comes to the use of recycled materials for
industrial packaging. By transforming the
manufacturing process from linear to circular, we
are able to efficiently provide our customers with
packaging bundles that include new packaging
along with reconditioned packaging, giving
packaging a second life and reducing its impact
on the environment.”
Customers driving demand
When asked to what degree customers are driving
the demand for sustainability, Schubert replies:
“Overall, sustainability is a major trend for every
business and naturally, everyone is talking about
Mauser has built a global network of facilities where packaging can
be reconditioned or recycled and made into high quality PCR
it. An increased focus on sustainable packaging is
not only the right thing to do, it also supports
innovation and creates partnership opportunities
between filler, packaging manufacturer and enduser
of industrial packaging.”
Schubert continues by stating how diverse the
focus is on sustainable packaging: “Companies
are at varying points in their sustainability journeys
and we support our customers with tailor-madesolutions
matching their individual requirements
and sustainability goals. Collaboration along the
supply-chain creates value for all involved parties,
including the environment and will be one of the
keys to success.”
Long term goal
As the importance of corporate social
responsibility continues to increase, sustainable
products and services are becoming even more
attractive to customers and consumers.
“The main challenge remains to increase the
awareness and acceptance of sustainable products
and services on a large scale. By working together,
we can all experience the benefits of a circular
economy and reduce our environmental
footprint,” Schubert comments.
“The availability of reconditioned packaging
depends on the return of used packaging into
professional hands. Reuse of reconditionable
packaging must be the first priority as it provides
the most economical and ecological value.
Unfortunately, we still see a significant amount of
suitable packaging ending up in streams that avoid
reuse. The more empty packaging that comes back
to be reconditioned, remanufactured or recycled,
the more sustainable packaging solutions will be
available to the market. If there is only demand for
reconditioned packaging, without resource
management ensuring that empty packaging is
delivered back to professional reconditioners, it’s a
one-way street,” says Schubert.
“In order to get a true circular economy in place,
used packaging must be seen as a raw material as
well. The challenge there is that the supply chain
consists of several partners, including the packaging
manufacturer, B2B-customer, and B2C-customer. A
circular economy involves all parties, and awareness
of this is needed to ensure that the packaging is
returned by the last one in the chain,” he adds.
Mauser uses in-house generated PCR in its Infinity Series product line
Looking ahead
Although Mauser Packaging Solutions already
boasts a large portfolio of PCR-products, the
company continues to expand this product
portfolio and increase global availability, as it is
key for packaging suppliers to be present where
customers are located as well.
As well as providing solutions for customers to
reduce their carbon footprint, Mauser Packaging
Solutions is also striving to reduce its own by
increasing process efficiency at production sites,
continuing to reduce resource demand and
increasing its use of renewable energies where
Used packaging must be seen as a raw material as well