Bulk Distributor Jul/Aug 18 | Page 5

July/August 2018 Industrial Packaging B ULK D ISTRIBUTOR 5 ŽdžŽŶŽīĞƌƐKϮͲŶĞƵƚƌĂů&/Ɛ I n co-operation with independent non- profi t organisation MyClimate, Boxon Bulk is now offering its customers the opportunity to offset CO2. Under the scheme the carbon footprint of the big bags will be compensated by supporting a climate protection project in Tanzania. MyClimate and Boxon Bulk have calculated the carbon footprint of the latter’s products (product carbon footprint, or PCF). All stages of the value chain were taken into account, including raw materials, operational waste and transport. The calculation method of MyClimate is based on internationally recognised standards (ISO 14040/44, ISO 14067, PAS 2050, GHG Product Life Cycle Standard). Based on the calculated data, it can be deduced how much CO2 has to be reduced in order to Boxon supports a certifi ed climate protection project in Tanzania, where high-tech solar systems in private households and smaller companies saves 9,981 tonnes of CO2 a year compensate for carbon dioxide emissions from the production process. To achieve this, Boxon supports a certifi ed climate protection project in Tanzania, where the installation of high-tech solar systems in private households and smaller companies saves 9,981 tonnes of CO2 a year. The project was honoured by the United Nations and corresponds to the highest climate protection category ‘Gold Standard’. Among the benefi ts achieved so far: 200,000 people benefi t from better air, as solar energy replaces kerosene; 350 jobs have been created; 42,600 solar systems have been distributed since the project start; and, more than 700 people were trained in the solar installation. For customers willing to purchase climate neutral FIBCs, the participation is simple. Dependent on the weight and the number of bags, the contribution needed to offset the carbon footprint of the products will be added to the price. This amount is based on the PCF calculated by MyClimate. Since CO2 emissions vary according to the weight of the big bag, the compensation contribution is calculated according to the weight of the product. A simple concept that many will recognise from fl ight bookings . The CO2 contribution paid by the customer will – without any deductions- be forwarded by Boxon Bulk to MyClimate. The organisation then transfers it directly to the climate protection project in Tanzania. With production sites around the world Boxon Bulk says it is aware of the responsibility it has to fulfi l as an internationally active company in the FIBC sector. As an active participant of the United Nations Global Compact, Boxon proactively promotes and communicates social and ecological change within the framework of its corporate responsibility. As a consequence, the company permanently works on the reduction of CO2 emissions in all production sites. The partnership with MyClimate and the climate-neutral products are an additional way to compensate for unavoidable emissions and a chance to contribute to climate protection and sustainability. www.boxonbulk.com