BuildLaw Issue 31 March 2018 | Page 22

Brookers Building Law Handbook 2017
Brookers Building Law Handbook 2017 consolidates in one volume the key legislation relevant to the areas of building and construction law
consolidated to 1 March 2017, Brookers Building Law Handbook 2017 collates in one volume the key acts and regulations relevant to the area of building law. his new edition consolidates major amendments since 2014, including the Construction Contracts Amendments Act 2015, the District Court Act 2016, recent amendments around Pool regulation and the forthcoming Earth Quake Prone Buildings, amendments included as full text “future amendment” notes.

This is an essential reference for legal practitioners, engineers, architects, local authorities, and construction companies. With a comprehensive subject index, convenient thumb tabs and an alphabetical list of legislation, this portable and convenient handbook ensures quick and easy access to essential, current building statutes and regulations.

Table of contents
building act 2004
building regulations
construction contracts act 2002
construction contracts regulations 2003
Weathertight homes resolution services act 2006
weathertight homes resolution services regulations
Canterbury earthquake Response and recovery
table of statutes and regulations
subject index