Building Transformation articles Future Façades | Page 6

SAMPLE FAÇADE MATERIAL INNOVATION & PROTECTION SOLUTIONS Without innovation of façade materials, improvements in performance, reduction in development costs, ease and speed of application along with more creative uses of built façades and space, the ambitions of sustainability are devalued. Façades account for a large percentage of the external building composition, so it’s only logical that this space is effectively utilised to support sustainable building design, energy savings, economicindependence, reduced pollution and carbon footprint. Bioclimatic Façade Architecture in New Construction The UAE, Saudi Arabia & Qatar are spearheading façade architecture and materials innovation, taking advantage of the climatic opportunities that surround them. These countries have the highest share of green buildings in the Middle East and the concept of green buildings through façade material innovation is rapidly leading the way of enhanced façade performance and sustainability targets. Throughout the UKand Europe, creative façade design, material innovation and integration lead the way on new façade construction, but there is very little action, innovation or consideration given to how current façades can be utilised to help create more sustainableenvironments. Façade refurbishment is common practice, but the time allocated to reviewing the façade’s contribution to sustainability or the installation of new innovations to help façades contribute to a more sustainable future could be questioned. Bioclimatic architecture is an important new international design trend that can help to reduce building energy requirements and dependency on external resources. Bioclimatic façade architecture refers to designing more sustainable buildings to improve thermal and visual performance. It refers to designing buildings and spaces both interior and exterior, but ensuring local climatic conditions are utilised to improve thermal and visual comfort, designs provide façade protection from summer sun, reduce winter heat loss, and make use of the environment (e.g. sun, air, wind, vegetation, water, soil, and sky) for building heating, cooling and lighting. It seems logical that the built environment and façade space could help play a big part in supporting future sustainability objectives, but commercially there are many reasons as to why such investments would be made when the building owners have a different objective. The challenge now is finding the solutions that create commercial as well as sustainable interest for commercial property owners. The Gherkin, London Windows open on the outer skin to allow air to enter the cavity between the inner and outer skin. Over the past 10 years there has been real progress infaçade innovation and its contribution to sustainable building performance. Inspiration and results from larger scale developments with successful designs and performance returns would ideally have the ability to be scaled down to smaller development projects, soresults can be positively scaled throughout the built environment. "There is a new international design trend that can help to reduce building energy requirements where there is currently an overreliance on air-conditioning in areas with hot or humid climates." University of Nottingham, The applicability on the bio-climatic façade in hot and humid climates, 2013 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona The building’s concrete structure is protected by a low cost external skin, which automatically opens and closes in order to regulate solar gain and natural ventilation.