Building Transformation articles Future Façades | Page 14


Preserving , protecting and optimising building façades and the space they provide within the current built environment to support sustainability objectives should be the first consideration . There needs to be a much greater focus on maintaining current façade assets through a more proactive approachalong with understanding where and how their space can be used towards assisting with improving building sustainability . As innovation continues to improve , material production should over time also assist in supporting commercial return targets .
New innovation of façade materials , design and performance are imperative for supporting future sustainable , construction and green building targets . However to maximise material innovations they must first create more retrofit appeal , ensuring current façade space is more effectively used . Secondly , they must have a more commercial appeal and be more scalable , cost effective and perceived as an investment . By integrating innovations with proactive façade management strategies we can work towards a greener and more sustainable future , ensuring these combined strategies both play their part in supporting global sustainability targets .
“ Façades create emotion and interest , they reflect values from solid structures and a perception of strength & durability over time .”
R Wood , 2015
Ultimately continued construction is sustainable ; we must protect the assets and façade space already constructed , reducing the need for materials whilst also reducing waste . Proactive façade management and protection is a solution ideally placed to ensure external façade materials and curtain walling are on track to exceed their predicted lifespan , arming those who maintain or own a building with the correct information to make educated decisions .