Building Back the Workforce | Page 8

Building Back the Workforce
to a risk tsunami that healthcare organizations will struggle to overcome for decades .
Fortunately , we know that success always follows informed decision making . Leaders who have data and insights necessary to make informed decisions will be able to navigate complex staffing problems while maintaining quality care and eliminating unnecessary risks .
• Outcomes-based solutions
The need to improve outcomes is a constant . While the pandemic has added a new level of urgency , it ’ s worth noting that healthcare leaders have for many years elevated the problem of improving outcomes for high-risk , low volume events like maternal mortality or cardiac arrest . Providing educational opportunities is of course essential , but the solution is tied back to improving critical thinking skills . Nurses who cross-train to fill gaps in other areas will feel more confident and experience better outcomes if they know how to apply fundamental knowledge and problem-solving skills to inform their decision making .
• Transition-to-practice
Supporting new nurses during their transition from student to practice improves not only the nurses ’ confidence and competence , but also the facility ’ s bottom line . Nurse satisfaction is directly tied to turnover rates , so anything that can be done to reinvent the transition-to-practice process to better support new nurses is impactful . If your transition support unavoidably
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