Building Back the Workforce | Page 2

Building Back the Workforce
The changing landscape of work in the healthcare industry has had ripple effects that go far beyond the current shortage of workers . This goes beyond temporary burnout and dissatisfaction – lifelong career plans have taken a hit , with 38.6 % of nurses in a 2021 NurseGrid survey indicating they planned to leave the profession by 2022 . 1 Of these , 24.6 % said they would simply leave bedside care , while 9 % said they would change careers altogether and only 5 % accounted for retirees . 2 These survey results are in line with hospital turnover numbers , which increased overall in 2021 by 1.7 % to 19.5 %. In particular , nursing turnover increased 2.8 % to 18.7 %. 3
The numbers fail to reveal a more pressing problem in healthcare . Employee recruitment and retention have been always a concern , but the current-day urgency has clouded the issue and led to many stopgap measures that are expensive and not viable in the long term . For this reason , it is imperative to focus on solutions that address healthcare worker concerns about their career satisfaction ,
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