Building Back the Workforce | Page 13

What ’ s next ?

What ’ s next ?

The healthcare industry has been forever changed in the last two years . The pandemic has accelerated and intensified issues among the clinical workforce , particularly nursing , forcing many organizations to rethink how they develop and retain staff . The current workforce shortage will be unlike past shortages in many ways , with an ever-widening experience gap , requiring new approaches to learning , scheduling , and upskilling , among others . It has been a difficult time , but organizations are also facing an opportunity to enact change that will set their future workforce on the path towards success for years to come . It may not be easy , but with the right tools and support , we are confident many organizations will meet these challenges head on and become leading forces for change .
For additional resources or to contact HealthStream to learn more proven solutions that address these challenges , please go to : healthstream . com / building-back-the-workforce
1 . https :// websitecdn . nursegrid . com / wp-content / uploads / 2022 / 02 / Nurse Grid-Survey-A-Pandemics-Toll-on-Nurses-January-2021 . pdf
2 . https :// websitecdn . nursegrid . com / wp-content / uploads / 2022 / 02 / Nurse Grid-Survey-A-Pandemics-Toll-on-Nurses-January-2021 . pdf
3 . https :// www . healthstream . com / webinar / what-next-ensuring-safe-qualitycare-during-a-staffing-crisis
4 . https :// www . healthstream . com / thought-leadership / 2021-healthstream-clinical-industry-report
5 . https :// websitecdn . nursegrid . com / wp-content / uploads / 2022 / 02 / NurseGrid -Survey-Nurse-Well-being-September-2021 . pdf
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