Building Back the Workforce | Page 12

Building Back the Workforce
• Recognition and career development
Healthcare is unique from other industries . Most clinicians will have the same role or job title for life – if they graduate as a respiratory therapist , they will retire as a respiratory therapist . It ’ s a situation that requires more creative engagement strategies , recognizing excellence and promoting career advancement . A clinician who is recognized for their achievements and motivated to develop their career is poised for success . This is where automation and novel programs can be deployed to ensure as many of your high-achieving staff as possible are recognized for their accomplishments and given opportunities for career development that will keep them satisfied and retained .
• Education and cross-training / upskilling
Although the healthcare workforce has a unique set of needs , that doesn ’ t mean organizational leaders can ’ t leverage the growing trend of cross-training and upskilling as successfully as in other industries . The pandemic has created a situation where many clinicians are being asked , perhaps for the first time in their careers , to move into new roles . This is a great example of necessity creating opportunity . If these stop-gap measures are expanded in a way that affords the workforce opportunities for growth and achievement they ’ ve never experienced previously , leaders could build back a workforce that is even more agile and competent than ever before .
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