Building Automated Trading Strategies October 2018 | Page 5

INTRODUCTION: THE QUEST FOR THE HOLY GRAIL OF TRADING As technology advances, so does the trading industry. Since the new millennium, automated trading is witnessing a significant growth. The implementation of automated trading strategies has become a common practice for both professional and retail traders. Nowadays, retail traders have access to hundreds of financial markets worldwide using a simple personal computer and an internet connection. Furthermore, building an automated trading system is easier and cheaper than ever. Automated trading systems can automate the whole trading process, from the trading decision to market execution. The enormous multi-tasking power of these systems allows the simultaneous analysis of hundreds of financial markets. Moreover, an automated system has no emotions and can trade 24/7 without feeling stress or fatigue. All these advantages make the creation of a successful automated trading system the ‘holy grail’ for any ambitious trader. Institutional traders use a wide variety of sophisticated automated systems. According to the Bank of England (2017), there are two mega-trends. On the one side, there are large advances in data-driven modeling techniques that 5 / 64 « B u i l d i n g A u t o m a t e d T r a d i n g S t r a t e g i e s »