Building a Nurse Residency Program | Page 3

Building a Nurse Residency Program
In a recent HealthStream report chronicling the trends healthcare should watch for in 2023 , it was noted that staffing will be a top challenge in healthcare facilities . To be certain , stress and burnout are contributing factors , but so is retirement . The National Academies of Sciences , Engineering , and Medicine address this in their 2021 report , The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 : Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity . According to the report , the percentage of RNs over the age of 50 who are expected to retire by 2030 is fairly high in most clinical settings – 40 % in critical access hospitals , 50.5 % in ambulatory clinics , and 57 % in hospital nursing home units .
According to the report , “ As RNs in these settings retire , they will be replaced by more recently educated nurses who … may not be as prepared for taking care of medically complex patients .” 1
In this environment , it will be imperative for facilities to strengthen their ability to attract and retain new graduate nurses . A nurse residency program is a good way to incentivize new and transitioning nurses , but it ’ s not always easy . Many new graduates , particularly postpandemic , have not had enough time to practice their skills in realworld scenarios , nor are they familiar with the day-to-day duties of nursing . There is a knowledge gap which hinders many new nurses from increasing their competence and confidence .
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