Ray Adauto
Executive Vice President El Paso Association of Builders
The new year brings with it a refreshment of many things . At the Association not only do we have a new leadership and Board but also a new strategy for how we will move forward with members and staff . First , as members are aware , the EPAB is transitioning into a new association management system called NOVI . This system will replace traditional excel spreadsheets , word docs , and numerous office captures and bring us into a more compact and systematic system that is easy to run and manage . It will not only be new to us but to our members as well . Each |
membership will have an enhanced membership experience , one where some control will be in your hands . For example our information on each member has to coordinate with at least four different lists , from email to app , the coordination is sometimes not correct , and the correction takes a long time . With NOVI we will ask you to partner with us to ensure your information is up to date . We will incorporate a new website with abilities for growth , more robust and friendlier . As a member you will be given a portal specifically for you , somewhere you can see |
events , receive invoices , pay invoices , get tickets , and much more . As a part of this system the EPAB will join other associations across the country in a safe and secure membership system . Roll out is targeted by April . February will bring in two major events for us , Rally Day at the state Capitol , and IBS in Vegas . I have the appointments with our state reps lined up , and the NAHB IBS registration done . I hope you will join us at both . Now go out and sell something . |