BuildersOutlook2024Issue8 | Page 4

4 BuildersOutlook 2024Issue8


Election worth studying

Ray Adauto
Executive Vice President El Paso Association of Builders
Now that the National political conventions are over , we should get to the meat of the election . Who should lead the country for the next four years ?
As an association we pride ourselves as not a D or R , but a large H for Housing , and whoever is elected must know that Housing is a vital necessity for our country and the economy .
We work with all political spectrums . Its important to know that because our Association has to work with everyone . We have members who profess to both major parties , and none . Staying “ neutral ” benefits our industry . This , however , doesn ’ t mean we don ’ t have issues that one party or the other creates for the industry or our families . We
must address those in order to continue our work and protect yours .
We are students of history and politics whether we admit it or not . Trying to stay neutral is hard when the policies of an administration harm us , overregulate us , or stymie the work we do . The El Paso Association of Builders is comprised of more than just builders , so we represent a lot of different industries . And therefore we represent many families .
But lets be real . As a business owner or employee you are dealing with more things today than any other business generation has . Inflation , immigration , lack of workers , rules for this or that , all make the need to be politically aware when you vote . Vote you
must or frankly you ’ ll get what others give you . It ’ s not just a beauty contest since whoever gets elected will come into your business and family life in many ways . Protect what is yours , don ’ t let them steal what is yours .
Take time to study who will be your next mayor and city council . Your next President and administration . Get through the superfluous window dressing and learn who they are , what they ’ ve done , and what they intend regardless of the rhetoric . Protect your taxes , regardless . Don ’ t vote for something or someone just because . Be a student of politics . If you don ’ t , I promise , you ’ ll end up in detention .

www • elpasobuilders • com