BuildersOutlook2024Isssue5 | Page 3

EPAB President ’ sMessage

EPAB President ’ sMessage

BuildersOutlook 3

Change with the Times

Jaime Gonzalez
President El Paso Association of Builders
Have you noticed how much our industry has changed while still remaining the same ? It may sound contradictory , but consider this : at the end of the day , or rather , at the end of the build , when we finish building a home , the end product is not much different from what it was 30 or 40 years ago . We still use concrete foundations , studframed walls , copper wiring , drywall , and shingle roofs . The major components we use in residential construction seem to be timeless . While homes built today are undoubtedly more
energy efficient than those built four decades ago , I can think of only two major innovations since I started building : PEX plumbing and LED light bulbs . Both are fantastic advancements , but their basic functions remain the same . Now , I am well aware of the plethora of gadgets and smart home innovations that have flooded our lives in recent years . The endless possibilities of integrating Wi- Fi , smartphones , and Bluetooth technology are truly astonishing . For those of us who once changed typewriter ink ribbons , rewound cassettes ,
used T-Squares , or filled out fax cover sheets , it ’ s amazing how we survived without the “ smart ” features that are now integral to our daily lives . In the office , we have a similar array of resources that help us communicate faster , coordinate better , and , in general , make us more efficient . Although artificial intelligence ( AI ) is nothing new , its recent boom has me thinking whether it ’ s merely a gimmick or is it truly as revolutionary as it ’ s made out to be . Just as advances in battery technology have transformed the tools we use on the job
site , I believe advances in AI will continue to change the tools we use in the office . The way we complete tasks will evolve , but the tasks themselves will remain . I encourage you to explore different systems , platforms , and apps . The rapid pace at which new tools are introduced can be overwhelming , and it ’ s easy to feel left behind . While sticking with tried and true systems is a solid approach , innovating and exploring new tools can give you the edge to beat the competition and stand out from the crowd .