Budo international Martial Arts Magazine Jul.-Aug. 2014 | Page 7

The great revelation of the last two decades Master Pantazi presents us on this occasion a special video which focuses on personal defense, by selecting the 10 most common and effective Kyusho points located in the human body. Depending on the type of aggression, grip or blow, Pantazi suggests a couple of applications for each point using quick techniques, with one or two simple movements, that will successfully solve such situations, for men as well as for women. Also, the using of these pressure points takes into account the legal aspect, by means of techniques that despite no causing visible damage, will produce pain and will bring about enough dysfunction as to override the aggressor making us possible to escape. A true and practical guide complemented by a systematic handbook that explains every detail allowing even the uninitiated to enhance their defense capability. Many of his DVD's are among the top-sellers of all times. For his quality and reliability, Master Pantazi has brought the skills and knowledge of vital points up to a higher level among all the students around the world of Martial Arts.