Budo international Martial Arts Magazine Jul.-Aug. 2014 | Page 15
Physical Preparation
A Martial Cinema star and an athlete off the charts
Cynthia Rothrock, the Queen of Kung Fu and undisputed star of Hollywood
action films, presents us in this video the work her stretching routine with all the
exercises that have helped her achieve her extraordinary flexibility level. Make of
this video your own training manual, and remember that the stretching exercises
we least like are usually the most beneficial ones, those the body needs to
strengthen itself.
Follow the exercises with Cynthia, choose a couple of exercises to work out
with them and once you master them, pick two more. We will study many
stretching exercises in their version for beginners, and slowly, as you progress,
she will lead you gradually to more advanced levels.
A video that has become a classic of Martial Arts no matter what style you
practice, flexibility is always important.
Stretching with
the Queen of
Kung Fu!"