Between The Lines is an entirely studentrun organization, created by a group of
talented, passionate and ambitious young
writers and artists. The main project of
the organization is the literary magazine
which Initially began with a literary circle
where students shared and critiqued each
other’s work, and as a small schoolfunded publication;
is now reaching the wider public with
its vision of inspiring more readers and
supporting more writers and artists. The
publication is in both English and Korean,
and is the only English literary magazine
devoted to publishing creative works by
the students in Korea. The ultimate aim
of the organization is to create a artistic
and creative community of Korean youth,
that will act as a springboard for future
initiative projects like the BTL literary
Every March, June, September, and
December, BTL publishes a webzine using
Joomag online publishing software and
every year in December, best works across
four submissions of the year are published
as a hard-copy magazine.
웹진은 매년 3월, 6월, 9월,12월 으로 온라인
Joomag로 발행되며, 매년 12월 초 1년에 걸쳐
완성되는 ‘모음집’이 출판됩니다.
Between The Lines is a seasonal literary
and arts magazine created by high school
students in South Korea.
비티엘 (Between The Lines) 문학예술지는 일
년에 네 번 기획부터 출판까지 고등학생들의 손
으로 만들어지는 잡지 입니다.
Between The Lines
Yunha Hwang 황윤하
전라남도 순천시 왕지 3길
Phone: 01033803996
Email: btlmag@gmail.com
Homepage: www.btlmag.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Btlmag2014
If you would like to sponsor the Between
The Lines cause or advertise in Between The
Lines, please email btlmag@gmail.com
비티엘 문학예술지를 후원해주시거나 잡지에 광
고를 싣고자 하시는 분은 btlmag@gmail.com으
로 연락해 주시기 바랍니다.