Transgenic tomatoes are resistance to
Mottle and Yellow Leaf Curl Disease
Tomato Mottle
Virus Resistance
To produce tomato toward
resistance, gene involved
1. Yellow Leaf Disease
2. Mottle Mozaic
3. Shoot Organogenesis
4. Indoor Hydroponic
5. Vertical Farming
6. Outdoor Hydroponic
7. Somatic Embryogenesis
Early Harvesting
(BC1At/r) were modified using
post transcriptional gene Early harvesting promote early
silencing. transformation of the yield in tomato. To control
callus using agrobacterium. This early harvesting cycle, SP5G
modification aimed to produce gene edited using CRISPR/Cas-
resistance to Mottle Mozaic
Tomato Virus (ToMoV)
Yellow Leaf Curl
Activation of resistance towards
Yellow Leaf Curl Disease require
addition of Ty-2 gene from wild
tomato (Solanum Habrochaites) and
this leads to activation of plant
defense mechanism. This
transformation can be done using
Agrobacterium mediated
9 Mutagenesis using
Agrobacterium tumefaciens–
mediated transformation
Ethylene as hormone that
controls plant growth and
development can affect early
ripening by reducing ethylene
receptors of LeTR4 gene which
transformed using
Agrobacterium tumefaciens–
mediated transformation